Saturday, January 26, 2013

mood board


My mood board is a reflection of my personality because it shows my favorite colors, blue and green.  These colors make me happy and relaxed.  I chose the three pillows because one of them shows my elegant side the other two are more fun and comfortable.  The four pictures I chose because I like to relax and the branches with flowers are really pretty.  The one black and white picture I chose because I just love black and white pictures of water.  The wall papers I chose because I love the idea of having one wall in a room with a wall paper.  The decorations on the bottom I feel like would be very pretty accent pieces in a room.  All of these pieces are very different but they all are relaxing. This reflects my personality because I’m a very relaxed person and I don’t get stressed out.
Trina Turk Pillow: $130, Carly pillow teal: $48, Teal wallpaper: $75, Grass and Sky: $72, Black wallpaper: $75, Teal wallpaper(elegant): $60, Persian Pillow: $288, Relax: $94, Sparta Vase: $70, Art glass: $100, Candle globe: $20, and Branches: $25.